Conflict Victim and Disabled Society

Ubication:  Kathamandu, Nepal

CVDS gives shelter to 33 children and 4 adults , who are orphans or have been abandoned by their families, and have different physical and mental disabilities. Most of them have suffered from abuse and violence.

It is estimated that in Nepal there are more than 250,000 children who suffer from disabilities. At present, mental illness continues to be a great social stigma.

The majority of these children suffer from autism. There are also cases of cerebral palsy, epilepsy, mental delay, blindness and various physical disabilities.

CVDS was born in a spontaneous way in 2005 when a family welcomed several children who were on the street. It has been growing over the years without any long-term planning or strategies.

Simply, CVDS has provided these people with accommodation, food and clothing, but due to lack of resources, they have not been able to offer the care and attention that we consider to be basic in developed countries.

The women who take care of these children are people who were also abandoned and at risk . They live in CVDS, where they have found a home, albeit with difficult living conditions. They work almost without rest and their salaries are very low.

Fundación Ramana has joined the work that other small organizations were already doing to improve the quality of life of these children and empower the workers.

From this union, the project “Friends of CVDS” has arisen, in which several small organizations participate: Do not Forget Nepal based in Mallorca, Grass Roots Movement in Nepal based in Kathmandu, and Fundacion Ramana

What we have done until now

-Improve hygiene and eradicate skin problems.

-Build a sick bay, educational room and yurt for various activities.

-Build a bedroom and bathroom.

-Install a washing machine, solar panels, pump and water filters.

-Contract two nurses, one of them is one of the girls who grew up in the Ramana’s Garden project in India.

-Contract a physiotherapist and speech therapist for weekly visits.

-Contract a social worker to develop a socialization project and various activities.

-Improve healthcare and buy the necessary medicines.

-Buy adapted bath chairs for disabled children.

-Organization of physiotherapy and dental medical camps.

-Start up a volunteer programmes.

-Improve the salary conditions of the workers.

-Improve the organization, management and administration of the project

What is needed

-Finish the construction of the current facilities.

-Build another bedroom and a dining room.

– Expand the kitchen.

-Adapt the bathrooms for the disabled.

-Contract more qualified personnel and train current staff.

-Improve nutrition.

-Increase the number of volunteers.

– Get wheelchairs adapted to the needs of each person, as well as obtaining therapeutic and clinical material.

– Improve the salary conditions of the workers.

– Buy a vehicle to be able to move residents when necessary.

– Our long-term objective, if we have enough funds, is to move the project to another place because at the moment it is located on a road that is difficult to access, dusty and very noisy.

Facebook: “Friends of CVDS”.

Collaborate with Conflict Victim and Disabled Society